What is Creativity, and why is it important to learn about it?

Creativity is a subject and a field of study. It can be taught. The best way to become more creative is to learn about creativity. 

Learning about creativity helps us remove barriers that limit our potential. Some of these barriers include misunderstandings about who and what is creative, how to empower creativity in others, and the overall goals and nature of creativity.

Learning about creativity allows us to be more intentional with our actions and how we communicate about our creative efforts.

”Creative thinking is more than coming up with new ideas. It is about living life in a way that is open, authentic, and curious. It is a mindset and approach to everything we do.”

~ Dr. Cyndi Burnett, Creativity and Education.

Creativity IS

An ability all humans possess.

Necessary for innovation.

A powerful method of teaching Social Emotional Learning.

The key to an uncertain future.

Creativity IS NOT

Only for children.

Only about the arts.

Reserved for a few talented people.

Something we turn on and off like a light switch.

The future relies on creative thinking.